Deanna Norris

 Norris is a communications specialist at Michigan Medicine.

Deanna Norris head shot
blue image person reaching
Health Lab
Reenergizing hospital staff through interactive recharge rooms 
The Flourish recharge room, an innovative gift given to Michigan Medicine, provides staff with a transformative and healing experience.
man at door and two people watching outside with masks on
Health Lab
New training focuses on safety during home health care visits
From the implementation of role-play training to virtual sessions with life-size simulations, training for safety during home care visits is a priority more than ever.
nurse team by bedside with covid patient
Health Lab
Clinical Support Line Advances Care for COVID-19 Patients Across Michigan
A hotline launched during the pandemic offers hospitals far and wide access to clinical support when caring for the sickest of patients.
two women hugging dog and patient smiling for camera
Health Lab
A Lifelong Journey
A patient, a mother and their health care family.
man paddling in boat on open water with sun
Health Lab
From Pandemic to Purpose
A behavioral scientist, who studies the power of living with purpose, discusses how to heal and grow in the new year, sharing his own daughter's tragic, but inspiring, life journey.